Lafayette, CA, crawlspace showing mold
Water left standing in crawl space can lead to mold and mildew.

Water erosion in crawl space in Lafayette, CA
Water standing in a crawlspace is asking for all kinds of problems, from health to structural integrity of the home.

Water trails from flowing streams of water in crawl space
Water damage in crawl space left unattended can become an expensive fix.

More water trails from flood waters in Lafayette, California crawl space
Standing and flowing water in the crawl space is a major concern. These waters can be damaging to your homes foundation, lowering its value, and encourage large overgrowths of mold and other microorganisms.

Warning signs of crawl space water problem in Lafayette, CA
Space flooding and standing water in lower areas can affect your homes foundation. It should be eliminated as soon as possible. Contact Clean Crawlspace

Sealed and encapsulated crawl space in Lafayette, CA
Installing a moisture barrier and sealing the crawl space from the ground and water helps with humidity, improves your home's indoor air quality.

Professional sump pump system installed in Lafayette, CA
Installing a professional sump pump in the lowest point of a home's crawl space forest the water out into a draining space to prevent flooding, water damage and mold growth.

Sealing and encapsulated crawl space in Lafayette, CA
Encapsulated crawl spaces can increase home values by an average of 10 percent in Lafayette, California

Encapsulated crawl space is an investment into home's value
Sealed crawl spaces stabilize indoor temperatures, which helps ease the burden on your heating and cooling system, and improves energy efficiency, and lowers energy costs.